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Alternative Health Treatments

A Unique approach


Energy Healing/ Reiki Healing


Reiki is one of the oldest forms of energy healing using the Universal Life Force.  This is a healing system which originated in Japan developed by Master Mikao Usui.


Reiki is a potent and powerful method that can be used for developing harmony among the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical entities within oneself. It repairs damage in the aura and restores balance in the chakras.  


Reiki is all about energy balance and repair, which in turn allows the body to repair itself by drawing healing abilities from the Universe itself.


Theta Healing Sessions


Theta Healing is a prominent healing method which was created in 1995 by Vianna Stibal during her personal journey of healing from a leg tumor.


Theta Healing is where the practitioner is able to enter a Theta state, connecting with the creative source of God that enables incredible change in any area of your life. Programs and beliefs are pulled, changed and replaced on four levels. Core beliefs, Genetic programs, Past life programs and on the Soul level.


Core beliefs are beliefs that have been instilled on the subconscious mind from childhood.


Genetic programs are ancestral memories and are recorded in our DNA. It is a core belief that is believed to be more than 2 generations.


Past Life programs can be from deep genetic memory or from past lives. They can also come from the collective conscious.


Soul level can be affected if a person holds more than one level. Emotions such as grief and sorrow can be carried to the soul.


Theta Healing can have a life changing affect in any area of your life from health, career, spirituality, relationships, finances, creative abilities. Your success and happiness in every aspect of your life is determined by your unconscious beliefs. It is the unconscious mind which creates your behaviour patterns which in turn creates your reality.


Return to Sovereignty and God – The Healing by The Venus Twins (“Copyright” Wisdom Woven in Time Healing)


This is a beautiful healing session for those who may have been negatively affected by the Covid 19 Vaccine or boosters or alternatively may feel regret on any level even if initially taken in good faith.


This is an energetic and spiritual removal of toxic material from the cells. Integration and healing takes up to 10 days after the session has concluded.


Responses vary from feeling great to symptoms such as headache, nausea, purging from the digestive system, fatigue to feeling lightheaded. For some, they may experience emotional releases, especially if the vaccine was taken under duress or coercion. All responses are perfectly normal and temporary.


Many clients take time out to enjoy their sense of inner peace, freedom and connection afterward. This is a lovely opportunity to anchor your healing and prioritise the well-being of your body, mind and spirit moving forward.


Common feedback has been “I sleep deeper”, “I am more relaxed”, and “I feel much more connected to Source”.  


Please note these sessions are done in person only and not available online.


If you have any interest in further information, please email me.


Life Guidance Sessions


Many people are not living from a place of inner peace and joy in their day to day lives. There is much anger, fear, and negativity out there and this is not only directed towards others but our own beings as well. Living this way unfortunately will not help to manifest a positive and loving future.





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