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What you focus on expands


Hello and welcome back. I hope this post finds you well and as always, I am very grateful to those of you on this amazing journey and awakening with me.

I have mentioned often that we are the creator of our world, that our words, thoughts and actions are so powerful that they shape our future. While it may seem to be chaotic on our Earth right now with wars, increasing inflation and cost of living and many people living with negative emotions such as fear, anger, stress, and anxiety, it is important that while we continue to work on ourselves and release old negative patterns, that we maintain our focus on the positive world we want to create.

The mainstream news focuses on presenting people with what they want you to know, think and focus on and they are continually bringing in these negative news stories which are affecting people in a negative manner. While it is good for us to understand what is happening in the world it is extremely important that we detach from these stories. If we give these negative stories our energy, we are in actual fact helping to create that reality as our future.

It is the same when you watch a television program. The television is actually there to be able to program you with what to think, believe and feel. When you watch a drama show or a show about the end of the world, or robots taking over humanity you now have a certain amount of people worldwide who have given their time and energy towards watching this playing out. As we have become aware in previous posts of just how powerful we are, imagine the power something like what we choose to watch on TV can have, particularly when watched on a mass scale.

So, while we are aware of the negativity that exists on the planet, we can now place our focus on how we would like the world to be. I personally would love to live in a world where there are no wars, no dis-ease, where there is an abundance for everyone, and we all live in peace and harmony together and with our Mother Earth.  

The main point to take away from this is that what you focus on grows. Over the next few weeks try to reduce or have a break from the mainstream news and any dramatic, sad or violent TV shows and instead visualise or write about the world you would like to create. Just by giving this even 10 to 15 minutes each day you will feel your mood lift and your energy pick up. You can do this while driving to work, walking the dog or doing the dishes. It really is an uplifting experience.

I wish you much love and light and look forward to the next post.




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