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Your energetic vibration is everything


Hello and welcome back! I am incredibly grateful to all of you who are on this journey with me. I love to share what I learn to those who are interested as we are all in this together and we are growing and learning together. I welcome questions, feedback and topics to address. Please always feel free to reach out to me as it is always very welcomed.

You may be aware that I talk about energy a lot. This is because everything has energy, the trees, plants, animals, music, rocks, your thoughts, absolutely everything! This is why your energy vibration is so important. The energy level vibration you are at will attract situations accordingly. If you wake up and think the day ahead will be bad, then you have sent the energetic vibration out to the universe to bring you exactly that. I am not saying that it is easy to wake up on a Monday morning and bounce out of bed with excitement for the work week. What I am suggesting however is that we have the capability to bring in a higher energetic vibration to bring about a positive day and make a difference in other people’s lives and our own and this in itself is so uplifting. We are truly that powerful! It is just that many of us have not been taught how.

Shifting our energy is as simple as focusing on the simple things, such as moving your attention to what you are grateful for. The energy of gratefulness is such a gift that the universe will continue to bless you with more to be grateful for.

Sometimes we may be caught off guard with harsh words or situations that arise from another person. It is very easy to get caught up in our emotions if we are put down, challenged or made fun of. We understandably take things personally and it can be very upsetting. This lower energy that we now feel however is not beneficial to our wellbeing and please also remember that the level we energetically vibrate is now what we now attract.    

What assists to bring your energy vibration back up is first of all to know that anyone who treats you negatively or puts you down is doing so from their own negative space. They are already hurting on some level, and they want to make themselves feel better, they want to take your energy, which may be done unconsciously, but they do not want you to be the shining light that you are.

The beautiful part is that with this knowledge you can realise that it does not matter on any level what someone thinks of you. You can be your true authentic self, and this will bring into your life those on a similar energetic vibration. By realising that another person’s words or actions come from their own internal hurt you can create a shift in your own being, send them love and step away. Most importantly love yourself!

For the next few weeks please try viewing any negativity that may come your way from a different perspective. The words, actions, or negative energy that sometimes comes towards you from another person is actually because that other person is the one who is struggling or hurting. This is not an excuse for their behaviour, but it is now an opportunity to realise their words or actions have nothing to do with you, and that is their path to work through if they so choose. You can however choose a life of peace, joy and love without being caught up in their negativity. In fact, you end up leading by example and from there the choice is theirs as to which path they choose to go.  

You are truly amazing and powerful, and I hope this empowers you on your journey.

I wish you much love and light,



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